Who can benefit from an RDHAP?

Who can benefit from the services of an RDHAP?

Our Mobile Patients Comprise of:

Homebound care, Independent and Assisted-Living facilities, Retirement Homes, Senior Care Homes, Nursing Home Facilities, Group Homes,
Injured/Immobile Patients, Pregnant Women (on bed rest) and Military and War Veterans.

Residents of Skilled Nursing Facilities and the Homebound 

Challenged mobility, cognitive impairment, limited manual dexterity, dry mouth, and complex medical histories are common within this population. Healthcare professionals understand that the health of the mouth impacts the health of the body, and that oral health is integral to sustained systemic health as well as quality of life.

Preoperative and Postoperative Care

Decreasing oral bacteria prior to surgery facilitates recovery, and maintenance while in recovery is helpful if the ability to engage in the activities of daily living are compromised.

Radiation Therapy

To avoid complications like osteonecrosis of the jaw, meticulous oral hygiene is required of those who have undergone radiation therapy to the head and neck.

Mobility and Memory

If getting to a dental office is too risky (e.g. injury from falling, getting hopelessly lost) then house calls are an alternative, if you are homebound.


Pregnancy and the Family Unit

Oral​ healthcare is an important part of prenatal care. Additionally, if you are on bed rest and homebound, dental hygiene care can be brought to you to allow more time to be dedicated to recovery, bonding, etc.


Returning to civilian life can be daunting, which is why bringing services to the individual can be helpful.

Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled

If an environment has been established at home that best suits the individual then it makes sense to bring care to them.


What is a Deep Cleaning?