What is An RDHAP?
An RDHAP (Registered Dental Hygienists in Alternative Practice) is a dental hygienist with specialized training and an additional license that allows the hygienist to work in settings other than a dental office and without the supervision of a dentist.
Why was the RDHAP created?
The California Legislature created the RDHAP to deliver dental hygiene services to special populations in settings other than (alternative to) the dental office or clinic, such as where people live. This category of license was developed to provide care to those without reasonable access to traditional dental care.
Where can the RDHAP provide services?
Practice setting can be schools, institutions, residence facilities, skilled nursing facilities, private home of homebound persons or a dental office in a designated underserved area such as Shasta County.
How can RDHAP’s be of value of residential facilities?
The RDHAP can be the link between residential administration and staff, families and community dental providers.
The RDHAP Can Provide:
Oral evaluations, which include oral cancer screenings, clinical observations of cavities, periodontal disease.
Oral Care plans
Bedside, in-residence dental hygiene care, which includes:
Oral prophylaxis (cleaning of plaque and deposits above the gum line)
Non-surgical periodontal therapies with topical local anesthetic (deep scaling below the gum line and root planning)
Denture cleaning
Fluoride treatments
Therapies for dry mouth
Strategies for prevention of cavities and gum disease
How does the RDHAP get paid?
Payment is due in advance or at the time of services. If you have dental insurance, we will be happy to submit a standard claim form to your insurance company so that you can be reimbursed directly for your allowable benefits. Smiles by Candy is an out-of-network provider and dental insurance reimbursement will be sent directly to you.
Why utilize an RDHAP?
In the long run, preventive care is the key to avoiding extensive dental treatment and medical complications and the toll that these take on the resident and the Skilled Nursing Facility staff. RDHAP's provide this care, and the residents’ families and direct care givers appreciate the time and attention given to each resident by the RDHAP.
How do I contact an RDHAP to discuss a program for my facility?
The California Dental Hygienist Association website has a complete roster by county of licensed RDHAPS's.
What if I don’t have a dentist?
That’s OK. Everyone should have a dentist and Smiles by Candy is able to refer you to one.
What are the advantages of receiving dental care by Smiles by Candy vs. a standard dental office?
When your dental hygiene care is provided by an RDHAP, you know you are being treated by a professional. Also, there is very little wait time or none at all for an appointment. The spa-like atmosphere of her office is comforting and relaxing. Receiving dental care at your own home is also less stressful. Most people find that the cost is much lower than at a typical dental office.
Benefits of RDHAP
A Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice (RDHAP) can help meet some of the many dental needs of residents in nursing homes, residential care facilities or private homes and help with important prevention strategies.
These elderly and /or disabled residents may be able to avoid extensive dental treatment and minimize oral problems by taking advantage of the services provided by Smiles by Candy. Prevention is indispensable to avoid extensive dental treatment and the hardships it creates on the individual and the staff. In addition, the personalized care is appreciated by the residents and can save staff time, reduce pain and suffering and help with self-esteem.